Fish Golf Brah-dcast
Oh cool another mid-30s white dude who quit his job and started a podcast. Yes, I am a trope, but I'm having fun being a trope, at least. The Fish Golf Brah-dcast is a series of conversations with people in disc golf, who don’t always have to talk about disc golf. When there’s no defined topic, everything is on-topic, including taunting other players and dogs. Episodes were released weekly throughout the 2023 & 2024 seasons, and will continue weekly throughout the 2025 season!

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At present, this show does not have any paid sponsors and is entirely self-supported. Show shirts and patches are in the Fishay store!
You can also help us out by purchasing Fish discs at the following sources:
or Fish Golf Brah-dcast hats at Disc Golf Brah's website.